Coronavirus Disease


The virus named as SARS-Cov-19 which originated from Wuhan state of China, has now became the global epidemic. The novel coronavirus has affected around 188 countries . The statistical report on this global pandemic is showing how severe the impact. Below statistical data which has been taken from World Health Organization(WHO) website:
     TOTAL CONFIRMED CASES        3,08,615
    DEATHS                                         13,071
    RECOVERED                                 95,834

* Report Last Updated on 22 March 2020 at 8:30.T

This pandemic has proved to be an global outbreak . The countries which has been affected most till now are China,Italy,Span,Iran and USA. After a duration of almost three months China has started recovering from it,but the situation of Italy,Span,Iran are getting worse day by day.The healthcare facility of Italy is considered as one on the best healthcare facility. Despite of having world class health care service Italy is unable to control the spreading of this pandemic. The superpower America has also failed in controlling the spread of infection. The main reason behind failure of controlling is neither the healthcare facilities nor the financial support, but it is the chain of spreading which they failed to break. Now in order to control the situation many countries have imposed total lock down including Iran,Italy and some part of USA. The only thing which can break this chain is social distancing. 

India which has second largest population in the world has also started getting the positive cases of this global pandemic. Till now India is able in controlling the community transmission. We are able in controlling the mass spreading because our governments have taken right decision at right taken. Not only our governments but also the medical team, policeman,house keeping staff and everyone who has devoted themselves in stopping this pandemic.

Despite of having restless efforts of respective authorities,this global pandemic has started spreading in our country too. Not only respective authorities but as a responsible citizen of our country , we are also responsible for breaking the chain of this community transmission. If we do not start supporting the government in breaking the chain of transmission , the situation will be worst. On request of Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi , citizen of our country supported Janta Curfew very well and also showed their gratitude to all the heroes- doctors,nurses,police,house keeping staff and all those who are helping restlessly in fighting this.

Government has imposed several method which include:
  • Indian Railway has suspended the running of all train except goods carrier across the     nation till 31 March.
  • 95 districts are under lock-down across the nation.
  • Bihar, Jharkhand,Punjab, Rajasthan ,Andhra Pradesh , Chhatisgarh , Jammu Kashmir, Uttrakhand has called lock down
  • Metro's will be closed in many cities
  • The life line of Mumbai - Local Train will not be available for general public
  • Karnataka,Maharashtra & Delhi has imposed Section 144.
However,all emergency services will be working including Banking Services,Vegetable Store,Milk Parlour , Grocery Stores ,Medical Stores and all other services. 

Lets have a look at current statistical report of India:
DEATHS                                              7
 RECOVERED                                    24

In order to stop this global pandemic please adhere what our governments,health worker and all other authorities are asking for. If we do as instructed we will combat this COVID-19, but if we neglect the consequences will be severe which we can not imagine also.

At last I will request you all please do not believe in any rumor and also do not support any rumor. World Health Organization(WHO) and India Government has launched their Whatsapp chatbot          , please clarify your doubts with them. I am attaching Whatsapp numbers for these chatbot                           :

 WHO WhatsApp chatbot                        +41 79 893 1892
 India WhatsApp chatbot                           +919013151515

Thank You

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